Anthoxanthum odoratum L., 1753 () 
Species data
MNHN species code | 8622 |
abbrevation | Antodor (ES) |
botanical genus | Anthoxanthum |
botanical family | Poaceae |
phytosociologic indication | Arrhenatheretalia (Prairies); Calluno-Uliceta (Landes) |
regne | Plantae |
phylum | |
classe | Equisetopsida |
ordre | Poales |
famille | Poaceae |
CD_TAXSUP | 189250 |
rang | ES |
habitat | 7 |
statut | P |
main french name | Flouve odorante [Anthoxanthum odoratum L., 1753] |
main english name | Sweet Vernal Grass |
main german name | Ruchgras |
main spanish name | |
Code_BDNFF | |
Species Synonyms
name |
language_id |
Chiendent odorant |
Français |
Foin dur |
Français |
Spring Grass |
English |
Frühlingsgras |
Deutsch |
Geruchgras |
Deutsch |
Riechgras |
Deutsch |
Wohlriechendes Gras |
Deutsch |
Anthoxanthum pilosum Döll, 1843 |
Latin |
Anthoxanthum odoratum L. |
Latin |
forage category | Poor grasses |
forage value | 3 |
unpaletable species | Non |
value for horse | |
Value for cattle | |
vallue for sheep | |
Value for goat | |
forage quality stage 1 | |
forage quality stage 2 | |
forage quality stage 3 | |
red list | |
regional protection | |
light | 0 |
annual temperature index | 0 |
continentality | 0 |
resistance to flooding | No |
adpatation to wet and dry conditions | Non |
soil moisture | 0 |
nitrogen soil fertility | 0 |
pH | 4 |
salinity | 1 |
soil organic matter content | mull eutrophe à moder |
phosphorus soil fertility | 0 |
potassium soil fertility | |
resistance to fire | |
resistance to trampling | 6 |
cutting resistance | 4 |
life traits
life cycle | Perennial |
raunkier classification | Therophyte / Hemicryptophyte |
CSR strategy | CR |
specific leaf area | |
leaf dry matter content | |
Functional Orphée INRA Toulouse | A |
diaspore_weight | |
diaspore shape | |
seed bank longevity | 1-5 years |
diaspore type | 1-5 years |
fructification sum of temperature | |
fructification beginning date | |
fructification_ending | |
dispersion sum of temperature | |
dispersion beginning date | June |
dispersion ending date | October |
dispersion mode | Autochorous |
dispersion organ | Fruit |
dispersion : additional data | Light glider |
diaspore number per dispersion | 1-1000 |
germination season | February-March |
germination sum of temperature | |
germination beginning date | |
germination ending date | |
optimal germination temperature | |
minimal germination temperature | |
maximal germination temperature | |
aerial part
aerial axis base structure | Dense tuft |
aerial axis | Erected stem |
aerial part characteristics | Short and slim |
aerial part height | 0,1-0,5 m |
branching | Without branch |
lignification of aerial part | Non woody |
leaf life span | Juin Juil Aou Sept |
leaf nitrogen content | |
leaf dry matter content | |
leaf anatomy | Mésomorphe (Graminéenne) |
leaf shape | 2-20 cm² |
leaf area | |
leaf width | 1-10 mm |
leaf length | |
leaf distribution | Feuilles proximales en semi-rosette |
root type | Fasciculé |
root depth | 4 (0-50 cm) |
root lateral_expansion | Plusieurs axes (Clonal) |
root length | |
root diameter | |
root organ | Non |
vegetative reproduction | Exclusivement par semis |
type of reproduction | |
flowering sum of temperature | |
reproduction beginning date | Mars |
flowering ending date | Avril |
flower dominant colour | Verdâtre, à la fin jaunâtre |
Pollinator insects | |
pollination | |
Main color | |
UV reflection | |
Pollen | |
Nectar | |
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