Welcome on e-FLORA-sys website..

e-FLORA-sys is a free web application intended for ecologists and agronomists studying permanent grasslands. E-Flora-sys  : - give ecological and agronomical characteristics of grassland species (western Europe flora), - alows to record, view and edit floristic releves, and to manage set of releves - and calculate indexes in order to production an ecological and agronomical interpretation e-FLORA-sys was created by the french laboratoire Agronomie et Environnement Nancy-Colmar (University of Lorraine – INRA)

At 28 Mar 2025 : 22283 genera, species and sub-species and 8651 relevés in the database


EGF congress in Ireland in June 2018
27th European Grassland Federation General Meeting "Sustainable Meat and Milk Production from Grasslands" in Cork (Ireland)17th - 21st June 2018
EGF congress in the Netherlands in june 2015
The next European Grassland Congress will be held in Wageningen (NL) from 15 to 17 june 2015 http://www.egf2015.nl/en
EGF congress in Wales in september 2014
The next European Grassland Congress will be held in Aberystwyth (Wales) from 7 to 11 september 2014 www.egf2014.org
EGF congress in Iceland in june 2013
The role of grasslands in a green future: threats and perspectives in less favoured areas. 17th EGF symposium 23-26 june 2013, Akureyri, Iceland see more http://www.egf2013.is/
Visit the website of the european research project evaluating the benefits of diversity in grasslands and grassland based ruminant systems: http://www.multisward.eu/multisward_eng/