

Près du bois Localization  
Field name
Parcelles cadastrales 46-47-48 - La Bouzule  
Sampling Method Id
Relevé area
Author 1
  / Université de Lorraine  
Author 2
Author 3
Author 4
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Related Species
Agronomical values
Pastoral value76.3
Proportion of bare soil8.6
Number of species unconsumed by cattle0
Contribution of species unconsumed by cattle0.0
Number of species unconsumed by goats0
Contribution of species unconsumed by goats0.0
Palatability index for horses5.25
Number of species unconsumed by horses0
Contribution of species unconsumed by horses0.0
Number of species unconsumed by ovines0
Contribution of species unconsumed by ovines0.0
Biodiversity indexes
Species richness20
Number of oligotrophic species3
Contribution of oligotrophic species4.3
Shannon diversity index1.87
Shannon equitability index0.43
Simpson diversity index0.56
Simpson equitability index1.0
Red list : number of disappeared species0
Red list : number of species probably disappeared0
Red list : Number of endangered species0
Red list : Number of vulnerable species0
Red list : Number od rare species0
Total number of red list species0
Number of species with flowers visited by butterflies0.0
Number of species with flowers visited by honeybees0.0
Number of species with flowers visited by bumbles0.0
Ecological indexes (Ellenberg)
Soil moisture index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)5.56
Soil moisture index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)5.17
Number of species tolerant to soil moisture variations4
Contribution of species tolerant to soil moisture variations8.5
Number of species tolerant to flooding0
Mean annual temperature index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)5.33
Mean annual temperature index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)5.89
Continentality index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)3.57
Continentality index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)2.99
Light index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)6.95
Light index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)7.77
Soil nitrogen fertility index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)5.57
Soil nitrogen fertility index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)7.51
Soil phosphorus fertility index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)4.42
Soil phosphorus fertility index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)5.0
Soil acidity index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)6.53
Soil acidity index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)6.96
Soil salinity index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)1.83
Soil salinity index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)1.1
Resistance to trampling index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)7.42
Resistance to trampling index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)9.4
Resistance to frequent cuttings index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp presence)7.85
Resistance to frequent cuttings index (Ellenberg - calculated with sp dominance)9.55
Functional types
Image gallery

Agronomical value

Pastoral value : 76.3


Species richness : 20

Number of oligotrophic species : 3

Shannon diversity index : 1.87

Agroécological interpretation
Palatability index for cattle7.42
Other information
Palatability index for cattle7.42